Thursday, December 5, 2019

Limitations of the Project Effort and Planning

Question: Discuss about theLimitations of the Project for Effort and Planning. Answer: Limitations: During the research project, it has been realized that a lot of time, effort and planning is required in order to design and analyze data that have to be gathered from varied sources. Apart from this, a great deal of fieldwork is required to prepare the questionnaire data as well as to save the expenditure of the project by not hiring external parties for interview sessions. Concerning all these, there are some limitations that the researches have faced. Chief among them all is the limitation of time since we had to focus on various aspects of the caf and had to consider the business strategies of FB industry as a whole in a limited period. Although the researchers believe that their collection of data and interview have enquired into all potential details some more time would have improved their qualitative research as they would have been able to prepare a deeper questionnaire covering many other aspects that might have been left out here (Merriam and Tisdell 2015). Overall, the st udy could have been more detailed by concentrating on restaurant industry of Singapore at large in a greater span. In fact, the researchers had tried their best to encompass the innumerable characteristics of the FB industry but the financial limitation became a great factor of hindrance (Rudestam and Newton 2014). Indeed, we needed more amount of money to be invested in the project and also it was not possible for us to give away the hard earned financial incentives for the sake of the research study. The financial inadequacy might have affected the primary data collection by limiting the size of sample collected although the sample provided in this project is believed to be sufficient by the researchers (Wilson 2014). Besides, the lack of money has narrowed the scope of fieldwork and inspecting the quality of food offered in the other similar caf restaurants like Braseiro. In order to find out the possible measures should be taken by Braseiro to compete with the rapidly changing m arket trends and taste of the consumers it was necessary to conduct an extensive research on presently preferred cuisines, contemporary restaurant interior and premium quality of service. However, unfortunately, both time and capital were insufficient to go through all these; the lack of primary research in these areas may bar the study to provide a complete picture. Due to these inadequacies, it had been compulsory to rely on the secondary data looking at the literature (Field 2015). Although we believe that, the literature section assesses the entire essential points mentioned just above along with the importance of companionship while dining and the arrangement of a proper yet light entertainment that would appropriately accompany the process of having food it too has some certain limitations. In the first place, the secondary data has been unable to refer particularly to the case of Braseiro and therefore, it discusses the specifications of a fine dining restaurant as a whole. S econdly, the secondary data may appear unfashionable to a degree since most part of the literature section dates back 10 years ago or even more (Field 2015); hence, possibility of somewhat discrepancy can be there as the case of Braseiro needed to be analyzed in contemporary light. Nonetheless, the researchers have tried their best to exploit all the resources at their disposal and put forth the most appropriate approach to the given problem. References: Field, T., 2015. The benefits and limitations of quantitative data collection to the literature review data collection. Merriam, S.B. and Tisdell, E.J., 2015.Qualitative research: A guide to design and implementation. John Wiley Sons. Rudestam, K.E. and Newton, R.R., 2014.Surviving your dissertation: A comprehensive guide to content and process. Sage Publications. Wilson, J., 2014.Essentials of business research: A guide to doing your research project. Sage.

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